Dive into the only app that uses visual questions to find your perfect match.
It’s 2024 why are you using compatibility models that are over 60 years old?
Stop dating in the past!
Endgame was developed using the same visual and instinctual response we use every day on social media. Images will immediately trigger an emotional reaction that provides a more accurate representation fo your true desires, goals, personality, preferences and emotional needs.
We use a simple highly-effective method where users choose between two carefully selected opposing images. Using this data along with our additional proprietary methods and science, we create matches with deeper meaning and lasting compatibility.
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words.
Forget All Those Boring Questionnaires.
Over 50 visual decisions that gauge your personality, passions, emotional intelligence, goals, values and compatibility.
Find Your Endgame.
The New Science Behind the Results.
We are a visual generation thanks to the adoption of social media. Endgame experts have studied how our conscious and subconscious react to photos we are exposed to and how they make us feel on multiple levels. Those feelings whether positive or negative are the result of instinctual personality markers that can speak volumes about your true-self and who would be a best fit for you.